Comic Con Brussels!
Gut zu Wissen
The Comic Con Brussels Spaceship is landing again in May!
The Celebration of Pop Culture is back!
Expect a Magical Weekend at Tour & Taxis and escape to a world where creativity and love reign supreme!
The weekend of May 10 and 11, Tour & Taxis will be dedicated to a celebration of pop culture at Comic Con Brussels. The event brings together the entire Geek community, from fans of gaming, comics and manga to cosplay, sci-fi and fantasy fans. But that's not all the lineup of guests each year is downright impressive.
With Comic Con Brussels, Belgium is proving its status as a major player on the world stage of pop culture.
This Comic Con weekend promises to be an unforgettable experience for fans of all ages.
Escape to the Magical World of Comic Con Brussels and join the fun!
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Kontaktdaten des Veranstalter
Normaalschoolstraat 55
9000 Gent
Veranstalternummer: 105155